Renovation of F-16 Simulator Building at Murted Airport

Renovation of F-16 Simulator Building at Murted Airport


LOCATION: Ankara/ Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project consists of the renovation of the technician training center for F-16 simulators. The building is approximately 2500 sqm. Renovation design for architectural, electrical and mechanical installations are carried out. 


  • Conceptual design
  • Detail design (Architecture,  electric installation, mechanical installation)
  • Fire fighting design
  • Material take-off and cost analysis
  • Tender preperation and procurement support

Sumitomo Tyre Plant Recreation Area

Sumitomo Tyre Plant Recreation Area

NAME OF CLIENT: Sumitomo Corporation

LOCATION: Çankırı, Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project consists of 18.000 m2 recreation area which contains recreational areas, walking and jogging track, football and volleyball/ tennis fields, board game and exercise fields and 500 m2 cafe, a restaurant and locking areas for the employes.


  • Conceptual design
  • Detail design (Architecture, steel and reinforced concrete structure, electric installation, mechanical installation, infrastructure, landscaping)
  • Fire fighting design
  • Material take-off and cost analysis

Star Refinery Administration Office

Star Refinery Administration Office

NAME OF CLIENT: Star Refinery Inc.

CONTRACT YEAR: 2017-2018
LOCATION: Aliaga, Izmir, Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROMER prepared the design for 6.000 m2 of Administration Building. The administration building has totally 5 story which are a basement, ground, 2 normal and a roof floor. This is a prestige building with long spans and high tech materials.


  • Conceptual design
  • Detail design (Architecture, steel and reinforced concrete structure, electric installation, mechanical installation, infrastructure, geotechnical design)
  • Fire fighting design
  • Material take-off and cost analysis
  • Tender preperation and procurement support

METU Day Care Center Cafeteria Building

METU Day Care Center Cafeteria Building

NAME OF CLIENT: METU Department of Construction

CONTRACT YEAR: 2017-2018
LOCATION: Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROMER prepared the design for 300 m2 of Day Care Center Cafeteria. The building structure consists of both concrete and steel. The Canteen building has totally  story which are a basement and ground. Canteen Building meets the children ergonomics and prepared for a prestige building with high tech materials.


  • Detail design (Architecture, steel and reinforced concrete structure, electric installation, mechanical installation, infrastructure, landscaping)
  • Fire fighting design

Anamur Atatepe Social Center National Architecture Competition

Anamur Atatepe Social Center National Architecture Competition

NAME OF CLIENT: Anamur Municipality

LOCATION: Anamur, Mersin, Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Anamur Atatepe Social Center design is a National Architecture Competition by Anamur Municipality. 25.000 m2 landscaped area design, a cafe, a restaurant, a multipurpose hall and administration building are In the scope of competition. PROMER Architectural Department is awarded the 4th Honorable Mention Award.


  • Conceptual design (Architecture, steel and reinforced concrete structure, electric installation, mechanical installation, landscaping)

East Anatolian Observatory

East Anatolian Observatory

NAME OF CLIENT: Gunarda Project Management Research and Consultancy Inc. Co.

CONTRACT YEAR: 2015-2016
LOCATION: Erzurum/Turkey

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The observatory which is built at an elevation of 2500 m in Erzurum has a great potential of astronomic research. The project includes design of telescope dome, buildings and infrastructure. For clear astronomic observations there should not be extra heat sources released by humans; in other words the atmospheric and environmental conditions should be quite appropriate. Therefore, to provide necessary comfort conditions of the personnel who is working and logging in this campus, heating design has been carried out by using the solar systems. In principle, the design rely upon compatibility to nature and energy efficiency.


  • Detail design (Architecture, steel and reinforced concrete structure, electric installation, mechanical installation, infrastructure, landscaping)
  • Fire fighting design